
RSAU-MTAA took part in the first All-Russian "Cyber Field Day"

2021-07-26 17:14
"Cyber Field Day" is a unique international event. More than 10,000 people from 45 regions of Russia, as well as China, Kazakhstan, the USA, Canada, Germany, Brazil, Argentina and Belarus have registered for the event.

In his speech, Professor Viktor Balabanov stressed that Timiryazevka was at the origins of the introduction of digital technologies in agriculture and is the flagship in the training of specialists in this field. He noted that back in 2007 at the Russian State Agrarian University – the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. On the basis of the Field Experimental Station, a Precision Agriculture Center was created, designed to teach students the basics of digital technologies: automatic and parallel driving of equipment, the construction of fertility maps and plant indices, differentiated introduction of agrochemicals, and then the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and robotics. During this period, more than 10,000 students were trained at the Precision Agriculture Center, mastering the skills of digital technologies.

The central event of the event was a real-time demonstration of the wheat harvesting process by a "smart combine harvester" with an autonomous control system based on the Cognitive Agro Pilot artificial intelligence.

The combine harvester, or rather the operator, "assigns" Cognitive Agro Pilot the process of automatic movement of the combine, and he can concentrate on quality control of the harvesting process. The system analyzes the image from the camera, "sees" and "understands" the situation as the combine moves and transmits the necessary commands to perform maneuvers. It works in difficult conditions: in the dust, at night, in the cold, on a snow-covered field. Cognitive Agro Pilot is able to remove the fallen crop along the edge, rows and rolls.

The development can be installed on all brands of combines. Cognitive Agro Pilot introduces a new generation of combine harvesting technologies.

The process of robotic cleaning online was commented on by developers and independent experts – well-known specialists and professionals of the agro-industrial complex. V.I. Balabanov expressed hope for the successful implementation of various robotic systems, including Cognitive Agro Pilot, in agriculture.

The video recording of the "Cyber Field Day" can be found at the link: