ESG and sustainable food systems

Course program:

1. ESG as a tool for implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Essence, principles, volume of responsible investment (Gromova A.V., Acron PJSC)

2. ESG in Russia - the approach of business and regulators (Selivanova T., KPMG)

3. Risks and opportunities of low-carbon development for the Russian Federation (Lukin V.B., KPMG)

4. Sustainable food systems - the key to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, introductory lecture (Antonevich E., UN FAO)

4.1 Sustainable food systems, in-depth lecture (Strokin I.S., KPMG)

5. ESG as a response to global challenges and risks in the agri-food sector (Frumkin B.E., IE RAS, IMEMO RAS)

6. Main elements of mitigation and adaptation of food systems to climate change and their social and managerial aspects (Konyushkova M.V., UN FAO)

7. The role of ESG in the production of chemical products. Ways to reduce greenhouse gases (Yaskevich M.Yu., Akron PJSC)

8. Agriculture of the 21st century in the light of scientific and technological progress: - new farming systems, intensification and greening of crop production (Kozlov D.N. FGBNU Soil Institute named after V.V. Dokuchaev)

9. Application of the 4P strategy in agriculture with the use of Akron mineral fertilizers (Bessarabenko I.V. PJSC Acron)

10. The role of biomodified fertilizers in the sustainable development of agriculture (Bessarabenko I.V. Acron PJSC)

11. Fertilizers with improved properties (SRF, SRF, SOMO) (Osmak A. - PJSC "Akron")

12. New agrarian strategy of the European Union "From farm to table". Mechanisms for the transition to a "climatic" food system (Frumkin B.E. Institute of Economics RAS, IMEMO RAS)

13. ESG banking for the agri-food sector: standards and requirements of banks, main types of responsible financing products and examples of transactions (Boev P. PJSC "Rosbank")

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